Shiseido E-learning platform elements

For: Shiseido, on behalf of Willis Towers Watson

Brief: Creation of UI screen graphics and character illustrations for Japanese cosmetics brand Shiseido.


  • Creating and adapting UI designs from drafts supplied by the Lead Digital Designer, and developing character illustrations.
  • Working closely with the team developing the E-learning platform to make sure that the designs worked across various device sizes.
  • Applying Japanese and Chinese translations to selected graphics for the Japanese and Chinese versions of the platform.

Outcome: A fun interactive E-learning module for Shiseido employee training using distinct characters and brand colour palate.

Shiseido E-learning platform screens

Shiseido E-learning platform screens

Shiseido E-learning evalutation screen
Shiseido E-learning key takeaways screen


Shiseido E-learning importance of reproducability screen
Shiseido E-learning Trust 8 competencies screen

Shiseido E-learning platform screens

Shiseido E-learning character development


Shiseido E-learning character development
Shiseido E-learning character development
Shiseido E-learning character development
Shiseido E-learning character development

Shiseido E-learning character development